I am starting to get ready for some conventions this year and I am making some lists of products to help promote TLZ. My main goal of con season is to get the word out on TLZ! I already have some ideas on what to offer but I am looking for some more. If you… Continue reading TLZ at the cons…
Author: Kevin Glover
The works of the author Kevin Glover
New goings on…
I hope by now you have noticed some of the new features I have been playing with here on the TLZ page. Last week I added a Facebook page for TLZ and a “like” button for all postings. Don’t be afraid to hit that bad boy if you like the page. At the bottom there… Continue reading New goings on…
A Terribly Twisted and Tortured Tale Ends, For Now…
I hope you enjoyed this brief glimpse into the origins of Granville. There will be more stories from A Terribly Twisted and Tortured Tale in the future. This little guy has quite the back story. Next week it is back to the kids and their crazy shenanigans.
Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Comic…
TLZ will be back to the main story next week. I am hoping to get some cool things done with the comic this year! The story is in full swing now and I hope everybody has been enjoying the ride! Just a reminder to check out the new Tumblr page I started for TLZ over… Continue reading Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Comic…
TLZ is now on Tumblr!
Not exactly sure what Tumblr is yet but check it out here: http://teenagelovezombies.tumblr.com/
Happy New Year!!!
TLZ is back after the holiday break. I am very much looking forward to bringing you TLZ for all of 2011! I have some big plans in story for TLZ!
I have added an RSS feed! Subscribe and never miss a moment!
New Wacom…
After years of using the old Graphire 4 I am on to a Wacom Intuos! Thank you Santa!
Zombie Xmas
Just wanted again thank everybody who has been dropping by and reading the comic. After next week the comic is going to be taking a break for the holidays but will be back the first week of January. I hope everybody has a great Holiday season and thanks for making this year one to remember.
Leave a Comment Please…
First of all thanks to everybody who has been reading this. Now that the story is in full swing I am going to start promoting the comic more and hopefully more people will be seeing it. If you have been enjoying it please leave a comment. It would help me greatly and I would really… Continue reading Leave a Comment Please…