First up lets get some news out of the way. Free Comic Book Day was a blast! Time Warp really knows how to do the day right. I must have spent all day drawing with few breaks in between. Awesome company and good times. I am definitely looking forward to next year!

Second I will be at Denver Comic Con Splash Page at the Walnut Workshop this Saturday from 7pm – 11pm. I will be selling books and doing drawings and having an awesome time supporting Denver Comic Con and getting ready for the big show! I hear there will be free beer again and you can’t beat that!
And finally I am holding a giveaway. That is right free stuff! I am trying to get 250 likes on the TLZ fan page by the end of the month. If I do I will pick somebody randomly from those 250+ and they will receive a free drawing and a free copy of TLZ #1. Pretty sweet deal huh? Just head over to the Facebook page and hit like and you are on your way! I will announce the winner here and on the Facebook page on June 1st!