If you are going to be in the the Denver area this weekend, swing on by the Denver Comic Con and the Creephouse Comics table and say hello. We’ll have two brand two books, some new prints, and whimsy. If you need to know where we are, I made this handy to use map of… Continue reading Denver Comic Con This Weekend!
Tag: Denver Comic Con
All about how we prepared, participated and completed this big event – Denver Comic Con
Horror and Mystery Comics Panel DCC 13
At the Denver Comic Con last month I was a guest on a Horror and Mystery Comics panel. Myself, Alfred Trujillo, Robert Elrod and Ben Templesmith chatted about mostly horror and very little mystery for an hour and my wonderful girlfriend recorded the whole thing and made this awesome video of it. Check it out… Continue reading Horror and Mystery Comics Panel DCC 13
Project-Nerd Interview
At Denver Comic Con the awesome folks at Project-Nerd stopped by my table for a brief chat about all things, TLZ, Creephouse Comics and a few other topics. Swing by the website and check out my interview here!
Denver Comic Con Events and Details
This Friday is the 2nd Denver Comic Con. Yours truly will be representing Creephouse Comics in artist alley at table G-19. As part of the festivities I will be a part of two different panels. First up, the Webcomic Pioneers are returning to do a follow up from last years panel. Details follow: Friday May 31st 7:00PM Room 109 Connect… Continue reading Denver Comic Con Events and Details
Denver Comic Con Wrap Up
I feel like I have been on a small comic book tour since the end of April. Starting with Comic Fest in April I have been appearing at promotional evens more or less every weekend until this past weekend when my last event for the next few months was Denver Comic Con. The previous weekend… Continue reading Denver Comic Con Wrap Up
Some News and a Giveaway…
First up lets get some news out of the way. Free Comic Book Day was a blast! Time Warp really knows how to do the day right. I must have spent all day drawing with few breaks in between. Awesome company and good times. I am definitely looking forward to next year! Second I will be at Denver… Continue reading Some News and a Giveaway…