Well, that about wraps it up for TLZ. This has been one heck of a journey. From TLZ’s humble beginnings in my final year of college in 2004 when it was originally planned to be an animated musical, to this last page of the comic it became. Ten years this story has been with me and though the path took some turns it’s finally reached the end of the road. I learned a lot while making this comic. It taught me dedication, scheduling, more about WordPress then I ever thought I’d know and what it takes to make a weekly webcomic. I never missed an update and it’s something I’m extremely proud of. This was my first long form comic, it was my first original story and it was my first foray into webcomics. It’s kind of weird to say goodbye to this story as it’s been such a huge part of my life for so long. I’ll surely miss it.

Though TLZ is over, I’m not done making comics. Creephouse Comics is in full swing and we have some exciting new stuff already out and some more awesome stuff coming. The first issue of my new comic The Haunter is out now. It’s a fun filled, ongoing, all ages horror, superhero romp. Please check out the site to order a copy or if digital is your thing, it’s up for sale on Comixology as well over here.

To keep up to date with all the Creephouse Comics news, please sign up for out news letter here. We will be giving out free digital comics only to newsletter subscribers and it’s the only way to get our other new comic Krush McNulty and the Siren Planet, our love letter to old pulp sci fi stories when it comes out on Sept 3rd. It’s written by the other half of Creephosue Comics William Tooker with art by myself.

Also, while TLZ may be over for now, we will be collecting the whole story in one volume for both print and digital release as well as releasing our other book Never Send a Monster sometime during October for Halloween.

I hope you come along with me and Creephouse Comics. I’m not nearly done.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to everybody who took the time to read TLZ. To everybody who stopped by my table at cons the past four years and bought a book or print or just said hello. To everybody who shared the comic. To all the people who wrote about it and all the podcasters and interviewers who had me on their show or posted an article about it. To all my friends who encouraged me, made sketches of TLZ or just helped spread the word. And to my amazing girlfriend Desirae, who was with me when I started putting these pages up four years ago and spent time with me almost every week as I sat and drew a new page. She is my inspiration in all things. Again, thank you to everybody, I couldn’t have done it without you.

By Kevin Glover

The works of the author Kevin Glover

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