Well, that about wraps it up for TLZ. This has been one heck of a journey. From TLZ’s humble beginnings in my final year of college in 2004 when it was originally planned to be an animated musical, to this last page of the comic it became. Ten years this story has been with me… Continue reading THANK YOU!
Tag: webcomic
All about our favorite web comics Teenage Love Zombies
Teenage Love Zombies is Over
The End!
They have their whole lives in front of them.
Guy and Loraine…
The Zombie Queen’s magic worked! Guy and Loraine are back to their old selves again! The question remains, what will they do now? Find out next week in the conclusion of Teenage Love Zombies!
Voodoo Magic, Man…
What can’t voodoo do? Hoodoo? Anyways, what’s happening to Guy and Loraine? I hope the Zombie Queen hasn’t had a change of heart, pun intended. Next week, see how this all shakes out…
The Haunter #1 Digital Comic for Free!
There’s only two more weeks left for Teenage Love Zombies but I’m not done making funny books. Creephouse Comics is going strong and we’ll we have a couple new books on the way this year alone. First up is my new comic The Haunter. It’s about a town called Darkport that is inhabited by monsters,… Continue reading The Haunter #1 Digital Comic for Free!
From the Heart…
The heart can save us all… Next week, what are these spirit forms up to?
A Whale to Catch…
I suppose at the end of things you need to figure out what your next move is. Annabelle doesn’t seem so certain. Granville knows exactly what he’s going to do next. I wonder what Wilmer will get up to? Next week, what about those teenagers…
Denver Comic Con This Weekend!
If you are going to be in the the Denver area this weekend, swing on by the Denver Comic Con and the Creephouse Comics table and say hello. We’ll have two brand two books, some new prints, and whimsy. If you need to know where we are, I made this handy to use map of… Continue reading Denver Comic Con This Weekend!
New TLZ Print!
Denver Comic Con is right around the corner and I’m preparing with some new books and some new art. Teenage Love Zombies is going to be representing with a brand new print! These will be available in the store after DCC. Also, we are 10 weeks from the finale of TLZ. I can hardly believe… Continue reading New TLZ Print!